Brewer's Guild Event: Crafting Connections at Flying Couch
Dear members
It is summer time and Mother Earth has been treating us with some nice weather so far – let’s hope that this continues!
We would like to wish you a great summer and what better way to do this than over a beer and a brewery visit?
Peter Sonne, one of the founders of Flying Couch, has been so kind to invite us into the brewery in Copenhagen NV for a brewery tour.
The new bar will be open and the first beer will be on us. After the brewery tour, we will enjoy some more beers, order pizzas from next door and hang out in the courtyard outside of the brewery.
The date of this lovely event is Wednesday the 19th of June at 5pm. The address is Bygmestervej 6, 2400 København NV.
The price of the event is 50 kr.
We hope to see many of you!
Best regards
The Danish Brewers’ Guild Board
A bit about Flying Couch:
Flying Couch was founded in 2011 as a gypsy brewery and introduced easy drinking and hoppy beers like Dude, Green Velvet and Syreregn to the market. The brewery attended Danske Ølentusiasters yearly beer festival, and their booth was easy to find because they had a real “flying” sofa hanging above it
In 2015, Flying Couch established a physical brewery in Copenhagen NV, where the legendary sofa can still be found today on the first floor. It is not flying anymore, but is standing on the floor, which is actually also a bit more useful for the brewers after a long day brewing.
Flying Couch has since then upgraded the brewery with a new brewing system and now also a newly opened bar right next to the brewery!
- Cost for this event - 50,00 DKK